11 years ago, my congress member called the President a tar baby. The local paper asked me to respond.

Roger Butts
2 min readOct 24, 2022

Here is the response. August 2011. In the Colorado Springs Gazette

In August, 2011, Rep. Doug Lamborn called President Obama a ‘tarbaby.’ It was bizarre, to say the least. Here is a letter the CS Gazette published that I wrote. I truly hope that this is Lamborn’s last term in Congress.

The power of words

Rep. Doug Lamborn:

It is the height of selflessness to serve your country as a legislator. Thank you for your service.

Because of the prestige I hold for your position, it is especially discouraging for me to write to you today. I write in regards to your calling President Obama a tar baby (“Lamborn Apologizes to President over Tar Baby Remark,” August 1).

I know the power of words. To use a word that is loaded with divisive subtexts is beneath your office. Tar baby is the kind of phrase that any educated person wisely avoids.

You say you meant quagmire. Quagmire and tar baby are completely different words with completely different connotations. I long for a representative who uses words with care.

Your choice of words was unfortunate and makes you seem uninformed, out of touch and deeply insensitive.

Do not misunderstand. I know well that we all make mistakes. I too have said things I seriously regret. I write recognizing that you…



Roger Butts

Author, Seeds of Devotion. Unitarian Universalist. Ordained 20 years.