My comments on Christian Nationalism

Roger Butts
6 min readAug 7, 2022

Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church, Parker, CO

Following the remarks by Jeff Scholes providing context on what Christian Nationalism is. I delivered these pastoral remarks.

Denise Bossart, Unsplash

1. They aren’t the only ones fearful and angry.

2. They aren’t the only ones feeling at risk of losing something precious.

3. We have that in common.

4. We have to come to grips with our commonality, our common connection. Above all, we have to see in “them” something of us. We can start from there.

5. For our own sake, we have t come to grips with those emotions in our own spirit. We must not turn away from those emotions.

6. Why? Because as in all things if we tamp down our rage, our fear, our grief, we will either

a. Stay in our heads, and this will all be an abstraction and an issue out there

b. Be acting from a place of fear and rage instead of love and vision

7. This question of vision is important. Where does it come from, in our own spirit, in our own lives? We are invited to understand ourselves in this moment, to understand our fear and to face our emotions. And then, to put together the why. Why is this important to me? What is motivating…



Roger Butts

Author, Seeds of Devotion. Unitarian Universalist. Ordained 20 years.